Tax advice should be far more than simply telling you how much tax to pay on 31 January.
At Opes Tax we offer a bespoke service that will mean you are aware of all relevant tax planning opportunities and we will have regular contact with you throughout the year.
Wealth brings complexity to financial and tax affairs and Opes Tax are experienced in advising clients with complex tax positions and structures.
When we first start working together, we will offer you a Wealth Review - a review that will help identify tax planning opportunities, review if assets are held in a tax efficient manner and ensure all relevant allowances and reliefs are maximised.
The advice that can be provided to an individual is vast and some of the recent advice
provided has included:
year end capital gains tax planning
principal private residence relief elections
inheritance tax planning, including creating a family trust
maximising pension contributions
establishing a charitable trust and determining the most tax efficient way to fund it
leaving the UK
rollover relief
advice on how to structure a new business venture
reviewing and commenting on wills and their tax efficiency
reviewing tax payments
incorporating a rental business
If you would like a free no-obligation meeting to discuss how we could help you, please get in touch.